
It is part of the School's U.K. Programme that students take part in the Proving of a new remedy. Participation in this process provides invaluable insights into the philosophy of healing as well as the action of homeopathic remedies. The results of these provings are made freely available to anyone, along with details of other provings undertaken by some of the School's faculty.

The School of Homeopathy believes in the spirit of sharing freely this germinal data of homeopathic practice. All of us who are involved in carrying out provings at the School are therefore delighted to present the fruits of our labours to the profession.

Most of the provings presented on this web-link stem from work of the School of Homeopathy. They have been conducted with students from Year Three as provers while students from Year Four acted as supervisors, and all have been co-ordinated by experienced members of the School's faculty. For the most part, these provings are full and detailed, and have been schematised. You will also find some provings with lesser details, which, none-the-less, are included, because the emerging picture is clear and characteristic. Protocols used for these provings are also given. Wherever possible, verified clinical experiences are also included (and will be developed), in order that the proving picture is enhanced by the evidence of their practical application.

Proving data are in constant preparation, and will be steadily added to our presentation as and when they are sufficiently ready. Below are some provings that are either already published or which will be published over the coming months, including some by School faculty outside of the School.

If you wish to see any of this information in more detail, please link to our provings website:

This is an open site, and we invite your participation. We would be very interested to learn of your experiences with these remedies. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to comment or share information about these provings or their application.


AIDS Nosode
Prepared from the blood of a man diagnosed as having Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, who subsequently died of Syndrome related diseases.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 1994 and 1995.

Falco Peregrinus Disciplinatus (Trained Peregrine Falcon)
Prepared from the blood and feather of a Peregrine Tiercel that had been bred in captivity and is used as a stud bird.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 1997.

Positronium (Antimatter)
Prepared from the radiation arising from the spontaneous annihilation of Positronium. Positronium is a configuration resembling hydrogen but comprises of an electron and an anti-electron in mutual orbit. It was produced in 1997 at University of San Diego.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 1998.

Dreaming Potency
Prepared from a medicine given to Janet Snowdon by Sangomas in South Africa.
Conducted by Janet Snowdon in Bath in 1996.

Agathis Australis (Kauri Tree)
Prepared from the sap and resin of a magnificent 2000 year old giant Kauri tree of native New Zealand bush. These ‘lords of the forest’ were almost logged to extinction.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy.

Arizona (Lava)
Prepared from 'ha-ha' basaltic lava from Sunset Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.A.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy 1994.

Salix Fragilis (Crack Willow)
Conducted by Penny Stirling in Bristol in 1998.

North Wales Slate
Conducted by Misha Norland in Czechoslovakia and by Andy Brachi and Jenny Hill in North Wales in Summer 1996.

Knopper Oak Gall
Prepared from a gall on Quercus Pendunculata caused by a wasp Cynips Calicis laying her eggs.
Conducted by Misha Norland in Moravia in 1998.

Prepared from D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 1999.

Diamorphine (Heroin)
Conducted by Janet Snowdon in 1999 and 2000.

Cladonia Rangiferina (Reindeer Moss)
This moss is an example of fungus and a unicellular algae in symbiosis. It is the primary winter sustenance of Reindeer.
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 2000.

Cygnus Bewickii (Bewick Swan)
Conducted by Penny Stirling in Bristol in 2002

Amphisbaena alba (South American slow-worm)
Conducted by Misha Norland at the School of Homeopathy in 2001.

Latex vulcani (Condom)
Prepared from vulcanized rubber of a natural latex condom.
Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser at the School of Homeopathy in 2001.

Carbon fullerenum (Buckyballs or Carbon 60)
Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser at the School of Homeopathy in 2002.

Galium aparine (Cleavers or Goosegrass)
Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser at the School of Homeopathy in 2003.

Passer domesticus (House Sparrow)
Conducted by Misha Norland and Peter Fraser at the School of Homeopathy in 2004














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