enrolment & fees - funding

If you are a UK student and you require help with funding please contact us, we have a list of organisations that past students have had success with that we will happily email or post to you. The School (through Alternative Training) is also Registered Learning Provider so students can apply for Professional and Career Development Loans.

Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans that can be used to help pay for work related learning. You can borrow between £300 and £10,000 to help support the cost of up to two years of learning (or three years if it includes one year’s relevant unpaid practical work). The Young People’s Learning Agency will pay the interest on the loan while you are learning and for one month afterwards. The loan can be used to pay course fees or other costs such as travel and living expenses. You can also use the loan to supplement other forms of support such as grants or bursaries. Because the Professional and Career Development Loan is a commercial loan product, they should only be considered as an option once all other student funding options have been investigated. For further information on financial assistance to support your learning, please visit www.direct.gov.uk/adultlearning or contact Careers Advice on 0800 100 900. Our learning provider registration number is: 20137.

It is also worth checking with your local education authority to see if they award discretionary grants. Alternatively, there are some charitable trusts who award funding based upon location. Another good source of information is your local library they carry books containing information on loans, grants, scholarships etc, plus the Directory of Grant-Making Trusts may provide information of trusts that may provide financial help.

Additionally, following completion of your first year of homeopathic training, students on income support can apply for a £350.00 bursary from the Homeopathic Action Trust. The Homeopathic Action Trust funds low cost clinics and student bursaries alongside production of a magazine called Picture of Health.

For more information, contact:
Homeopathy Action Trust
PO Box 5497
08702 407014


apply now


My studies were the richest and most satisfying educational experience I have had – and that's saying a lot, as I have been through university, allopathic medical school, psychiatric residency training, and Jungian analytic training.



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