australian program

We brought our study course to Australia in 1988, and have been providing homeopathic education to Australian students for nearly 20 years! Our course combines the flexibility of home study with the rigorous training needed to become a successful homeopathic practitioner. That’s because students can blend in-depth independent work with hands on, face-to-face training through seminars, workshops and a clinical supervision process. Study groups also provide community and support to your independent work.

The School of Homeopathy is recognised by the Society of Homeopaths in the UK, has Advanced Standing with the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH) and is recognised by Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), so you are assured of an in-depth, quality programme which leads to insured practice. Once you have qualified, you will be a confident, competent homeopath who can go out there, roll up your sleeves, and get to work helping people at the core level of their illness.

Our flexible approach means that you can begin your study with the programme at anytime, choose when and where you study, and to what level. You can even ‘port’ the course from one country to another; and you have an open invitation to attend classes and clinics at our home base in England. All this adds up to making our course the most in-depth and flexible programme available. Read on and see why so many have trained with us.

Our programme progresses through four levels (see the courses section of the site for more detail). For those that wish to practice homeopathy we offer our highest Certification the School of Homeopathy’s Practitioners Diploma, this course consists of:

Time: 3/4 Year period (flexible)
Study: Homeopathy Units 1 – 18
Audio recording: 96 CD’s, 150 lectures
Clinical Observation & Practice: 10 cases plus Seminars, Workshops & Study Groups (120 hours)
Clinical Supervision: 10 cases with 2 follow-ups each
Medical Science: Anatomy & Physiology and Pathology & Disease (sold as separate courses)

Course overview
Each year of the course is divided into easy to manage Units, which you study whilst listening to the CD lectures from the School and reading the specially selected books. The CD recordings bring the best of the classroom teachings to you at home. You get numerous CDs of patient cases with discussions as well as generous amounts of supporting information, examples of student work and model answers. During the course you are guided through the topics by reference to books and supporting explanations, descriptions, and diagrams. You are able to check your progress and reinforce your learning through self-assessment questions and model answers. At the end of each Unit you write up your assessments and then send them off to your personal tutor. All our tutors are highly skilled mentors and experienced professional homeopaths. Most of them studied with us at the School of Homeopathy.

Each course is accompanied by a book list that is essential reading for your study. We offer these books with a 15% discount through Alternative Training.

Clinical Observation & Practice
Advanced clinical observation is critical to becoming a good homeopath. Australian students are required to attend a total of 120 hours of face-to-face learning sessions, over the duration of their course. These sessions can take the form of clinics, study groups, seminars, summer schools, workshops, supervised case taking and supervision. The main focus of these sessions is to be on case taking, case analysis, prescribing and case management. Time spent in case taking supervision is included in the required 120 hours. We have put together a variety of sources for clinical events in Australia you can read more about these in the events section. We also hope that students are able to attend one of our 7 day Summer Schools in the UK but appreciate this is not always possible.

The Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA) run excellent seminars throughout the year. Presenters are always carefully chosen and special rates are available for students.

AROH qualified practitioners run local seminars from time to time. Details of these are often advertised in the state AHA newsletters. Subject to demand, Jo Clarke, our Australian Supervisor will also run 2 weekend sessions (16 hours each) a year in new South Wales. We also hold yearly International Summer Schools at the School in the UK. These 7-day events are especially created for International distance learning students and are led by the School’s principal Misha Norland and other senior faculty members. The main focus is on video cases and group work. One Summer Schools expose students to 50 hours of clinic hours and case taking. They are a great place for students to meet face-to-face getting to know one another and the School of Homeopathy.

Study Groups
These are an ideal way of developing an in-depth understanding of case management and prescribing. They also provide opportunities for networking with other students and practitioners. Jo Clarke, our Australian Supervisor, runs study groups in New South Wales.

Supervised Practice
Our supervision network programme means that we take students right through to clinical practice. Australian students can work with our professionally trained Australian Supervisor, Jo Clarke, or with one of our professionally trained UK supervisors. You can also submit an application to work with someone you choose locally. If you cannot find a suitable local supervisor, then you may contact someone in our network of specially trained distance supervisors, and communicate via email and telephone. We work with you to find the best solution for your individual needs.

The Practitioner Advanced Diploma (DSHom UK)
This is the highest level diploma offered by the School of Homeopathy. There are no formal examinations; rigorous external assessment is provided through completion of the comprehensive assignments sets, with high standards of tutor marking. The full Practitioners Course Diploma is equivalent to UK vocational Degree level or NVQ Level 1 and will ensure your homeopathic career the best possible start.

We also offer various intermediate certificates and diplomas so you can complete just one section of the Programme , have a break and then continue with another section at a later date if you wish.

Four main stages of certification are awarded by the School for students progressing through the Programme , plus certificates on completion of Alternative Training’s Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology & Disease, and Nutrition (optional) courses.

Taster Credit
Units 1-2 completed with tutor marking and only if the student does not wish to continue onto the Foundation Course.

Foundation Diploma
Units 1-7, 20 hours of face-to-face session.

Introduction into Practice Diploma
The Foundation Diploma plus:
Units 8-14, 5 cases and 20 hours of face-to-face session, A&P course

Advanced Diploma Certificate (DHom UK)
The Introduction into Practice Diploma plus:
Units 15-18, 5 cases and 40 hours of face-to-face session, P&D course

Clinical Certificate
All seminars/summer schools taken over the duration of the course can be counted towards the clinical certificate plus completion of A&P and P&D.
A further 40 hours of face-to-face sessions, bringing the total clinical hours up to 120.

Practitioner Advanced Diploma Certificate (PDHom UK)
The Advanced Diploma certificate and Clinical certificate plus:
18-36 months Casework under supervision (Portfolio of 10 cases with 2 follow-ups each)

In order to become a professional member of the Australian Homoeopathic Association and to obtain insurance cover and recognition by health fund providers, it is necessary to become registered with the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH). We have ‘Advanced Standing Recognition’ from AROH and have tailored the Australian course to meet their requirements. The clinical AROH requirements are met as part of the course with us, therefore you will not be required to sit a clinical exam. Our Australian home study programme is also recognised by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society so there is another route to registration and insurance through them that does not require any exams. By joining our home study course you are assured of receiving a high standard and quality of education, service and care.

Our Australian Programme is similar to our UK Programme. Since the School of Homeopathy is a recognised leader in homeopathic education, the UK diploma , given on completion of our Practitioner Course, leads to immediate registration in the UK. The UK programme is fully accredited by The Society of Homeopaths who are one of British representatives on the European and International Councils for Classical Homeopathy. The Society of Homeopaths was established in 1978 and is the largest organisation representing professional homeopaths in the UK.

Advanced Standing with:
AROH - The Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH)

Recognised by:
ATMS – Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

We are members of:
SoH - The Society of Homeopaths
ABCC - The Association of the British Correspondence College
BHMA - The British Holistic Medical Association
CMA - The Complementary Medical Association
HCPF - Homeopathy Course Providers Forum
NANHE - North American Network of Homeopathic Educators

Accepted by:
HMA - The Homeopathic Medical Association
CHC - Council for Homeopathic Certification
WCSH - West Coast Homeopathic Society
ARH - Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
PHA - Portuguese Homeopathic Association

Partnered with:
NASH - North American Society of Homeopaths
NCH - National Center for Homeopathy

Please read more about our courses and the School on the rest of the site and if you have any questions please contact us.

Sam Adkins

Contact Australian Representative
Sam Adkins
School of Homeopathy
T: 0420 800725
E: [email protected]
Read more about Sam


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advanced standing with:




recognised by:




member of:

The Society of Homeopaths


partner with:

Alliance of Registered Homeopaths


partner with:

Homeopathic Medical Association


member of:

Homeopathy Course Providers Forum


member of:

The Association of British Correspondence Colleges


member of:

The British Holistic Medical Association


member of:

Complementary Medical Association



"I realised that the education and the spirit which informed it was special. I had received a vision of what healing could achieve at the highest level and I was and am passing this on, helping people live at their full potential."

- Bill




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