why attendance?

The attendance course is run from Hawkwood College of adult education in Gloucestershire (UK). Classes one weekend a month, ten months of the year. By coming each month you get to know us and your fellow learners. Group numbers are kept down, between twelve and twenty in year one, making certain that everyone is heard. Since each person’s style of learning is different we are attentive to your individual needs.

The culture that develops is one of support, trust and cooperation within which self-reflection and openness is encouraged. We show you videos of patients, illuminating case receiving and case analysis from the start. As we learn from each other and about homeopathy, so we develop and deepen our trust in the spiritual aspects of healing. This, alongside your academic education, is encouraged by your teachers and your mentors who give on-going guidance through comment on your assignments. Your year head and the principal provide pastoral care, while tutors help you assess your progress. We have developed a mentor-assessed, non-graded system of evaluation based upon portfolio presentations of selected work presented during tutorial sessions. We set no exams.

We meet at Hawkwood College which has well-appointed and beautiful rooms, filled with light, warmth and serenity. Hawkwood is a 19th Century country house in the peaceful Cotswold countryside. Set in 42 acres of gardens, woods and fields the house provides a tranquil environment conducive to reflective study where the busy world can be left behind and we can appreciate life’s renewing cycles and seasons. It has overnight facilities and can accommodate 50 guests. It is well known for its delicious, fresh and wholesome food.

Though secluded, Hawkwood is less than two miles from the vibrant mill town of Stroud and easily accessible by train and road. Stroud has a mainline train station reachable from London in 90 minutes and is a short distance from both the M4 and M5.

We also have a reference library and computer facilities, as well as the practice clinic with its video link to the teaching rooms. Read more about on-site resources...

We invite you to ten weekends, starting in September each year, 10am to 6pm on Saturdays, 9:30am to 5pm on Sundays. During the Practitioners Advanced Diploma Course, in years three and four, you will also attend clinic days on each Friday before the study weekends (except the first Friday of Year three). We hope that you will join together for supper on Friday and Saturday nights - more opportunities for friendship, laughter and learning.

"The School of Homeopathy’s programme has been the biggest stepping stone in my homeopathic education. It has given me so many gifts. It has given me deep understanding and a humility about human nature and the laws of healing and cure. It has allowed me to become a practitioner, and has given me the desire and commitment to continue my life-long study of classical homeopathy. It has been clear to me from the start that the School of Homeopathy has a deep commitment to helping people become the best practitioners that they can be in order that the lives of other people will be touched by the healing powers of homeopathy. "
Robert S. Jones

Choosing your school
With many choices of homeopathy schools now available, it may not be easy deciding which one is going to be right for you. Although many schools follow similar basic curricula, the style, the methods of teaching and support may vary considerably. Even the basic philosophy of healing, as well as the emphasis on supplementary subjects, may differ considerably. It is therefore a good idea that you check out your options thoroughly before making a final decision – after all, you will only want to carry out your core training once, confident that it is authentic.

On this web-site, we have tried to present the core of our approach to teaching and caring. However, we also invite you to contact us if you have any queries or if you need advice about what may be entailed in studying homeopathy. Do compare us with other schools and do come and visit us to encounter what we teach and to ask us any further questions you may have.



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My studies were the richest and most satisfying educational experience I have had – and that's saying a lot, as I have been through university, allopathic medical school, psychiatric residency training, and Jungian analytic training.


Quick links to the course pages
Year One : Foundation Course
Year two : Introduction into Practice Course
Year Three & Four : Practitioner Advanced Diploma Course
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